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proper procedure 意味

"proper procedure"の例文


  • 適切な方法
  • proper     proper adj. 適当な, 当然な; 特有の, 固有の. 【副詞】 It is only proper that they should
  • procedure     procedure n. 手続き, 手順, 方法, 処置; 訴訟手続き, 議事手続き. 【動詞+】 accomplish a procedure
  • complete a proper procedure    きちんとしたプロセスを踏む
  • go through the proper procedure    順序{じゅんじょ}を踏む
  • not proper    ぶしつけな、不謹慎な、不作法な
  • proper     proper adj. 適当な, 当然な; 特有の, 固有の. 【副詞】 It is only proper that they should apologize to us. 彼らが私たちに謝罪してしかるべきなのだ. It is perfectly proper for you to show affection for your father by embracin
  • proper for    《be ~》相当する
  • to be proper    当たり前じゃないか
  • procedure     procedure n. 手続き, 手順, 方法, 処置; 訴訟手続き, 議事手続き. 【動詞+】 accomplish a procedure 手続きを完了する adopt a procedure ある方法を採用する begin a procedure 手続きを始める bypass the normal procedures 通常の手続
  • at proper time    《at (a) proper time》適当な時に、程良い時分{じぶん}に、時期{じき}を見て
  • by proper reasoning    適正{てきせい}な推論{すいろん}によって
  • engine proper    engine proper 機関本体[機械]
  • for proper disposal    適切に廃棄するために
  • good and proper    (懲らしめ方?罰し方などが)ひどく、徹底的{てってい てき}に
  • immaculately proper    完全無欠{かんぜん むけつ}で


  • in this case the vpd failed to follow proper procedure in identifying themselves to the accused .
    バンクーバー警察は 所定の 身分提示を怠った
  • had we been able to follow proper procedure as outlined in the original schedule , the government medical stockpile could have been shipped anywhere in the u .s . within 12 hours .
    当初の予定では ワクチンの出荷に伴いルートは確保されていたのです 計算では12時間以内にとね
  • at the fights with yoshioka , musashi ignored the proper procedure of musha-shugyo (swordsman ' s training ) and ill-manneredly issued a challenge , so a fight of one versus one expanded into a small battle , and at last , unfortunately yoshioka was beaten and even the family and school ended .
  • he criticized the three major kaidan and the one at enryaku-ji temple for being no longer what they should be and being unworthy as a place to give the precepts of buddhism , and advocated that the giving of the buddhist precepts be effected by fixing the bounds of a sacred place to give those precepts in conformity with the precepts and performing a rite in accordance with proper procedure .
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